Vattenfall is an electricity, gas, and heat providing company.
Our apartment has a gas oven and they supply us with fuel for it. They sent us an email requesting that we send them our readings so can prepare some cost estimates. The subject for the email was Wir benötigen Ihren Zählerstand.

Alright, so it is clear they want some numbers from us. But where are they?
How to find the device

Locate the meter id, in German called Zählernummer, either in the email they sent you or in the documents that you previously received from them. Then look around your apartment for a device with this corresponding id.
In our apartment we had the Honeywell BK-G4 meter; it was located in the kitchen under the countertop near the oven. It is possible that you have a different model.
How to read the device
If you look at the picture above, the display shows “00095,821” If you try to enter exactly that, the program won’t accept it. Instead enter only the numbers before the comma, excluding the leading zeros. So in our example, just enter “95” and press the submit button.